Liverpool Association For Space Engineering And Research

A University of Liverpool student-run engineering society based in the Electrical and Electronics Engineering department.

Showcase of some of our ongoing projects:

We run multiple projects that span a broad range of fields. All students of different backgrounds and courses are welcome to join at all times - even people who aren't interested in the technical side.


Rocket team - UKSEDS


Satellite communications project


Remote weather station


Some common questions commonly asked about LASER from prospective members.

How can I start a project?

To start a project just come along and bring it up in a meeting.

Does it cost anything?

No, participation in LASER does not cost anything apart from your time.

How do I join?

As we're not affiliated with the Guild, we have no sign up requirements. Simply just show up to our meetings as listed below.

What sort of things do you do?

Within LASER we mainly work to develop skills outside of the typically taught curriculum through projects, in addition we offer a range of FYP for third year EEE students.

I lack technical skills/knowledge, can I still take part?

We encourage anyone regardless of course and background with an interest to join, as our projects often cover a wide range of fields.

How to get involved:

If you are a student or a company and you want to get involved with LASER, we host events and weekly meetings throughout the year.



Meetings: Thursdays - 17:00 | EEE Building, Lecture theatre E2.
Arduino workshops: Wednesdays - 13:00 | EEE Building, Room 402.
(Check Instagram for confirmation meeting is going ahead on the day).

Industry and companies

If you represent a company or are an employee acting on behalf of your employer, and you wish to engage with LASER by offering a seminar or contributing to our projects, please don't hesitate to get in touch. You can reach us at: [email protected]